Jun 6, 2020
David Moscrop's book is titled, “Too Dumb for Democracy?" raises a question that liberal political thinkers normally avoid. Our complaints are usually against "deficits" in democracy. But suppose the problem instead is that normal citizens cannot cognitively process the information that is necessary to make wise political judgments? In a friendly conversation, Metta suggests that Moscrop has raised a question that he does not pursue long, for soon he turns to a search for the institutional changes to which many liberals would turn as ways of reforming and saving democracy.
This series of weekly discussions is produced by Peace Magazine (see http://peacemagazine.org) and Project Save the World (see http://tosavetheworld.ca). On the latter website, you are invited to comment on this podcast episode and endorse the Platform for Survival, a list of 25 public policy proposals that, if enacted, will markedly reduce the risk of the six most urgent threats to humankind.