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projectsavetheworld's podcast

Jan 26, 2021

Mark Tabbert and Philip Chipman are active in Citizens' Climate Lobby, an NGO which has been quite effective in working for carbon taxation. They show Metta a remarkable tool that enables one to explore the interactive implications of changing various factors that influence the global temperature. Clearly, carbon...

Jan 26, 2021

Robin Collins discusses a book called "Cynical Theories" that he admires. It criticizes the merger between critical theory and post-modernism, which has led progressive thinkers to switch from universalist, "color blind" commitments to tribalism that replaces class-based analyses. Collins and Metta agree in their...

Jan 26, 2021

Ernie Regehr studies the military activities of the countries extending above the Arctic circle. He reports that the Russian military presence is expanding greatly. It is already far more active there than other states, but fortunately they all remain cooperative. If significant conflicts arise there, it will...

Jan 26, 2021

William Fletcher has traveled extensively in China and is co-author of a book about climate change, so he and Metta discuss China's energy problems -- especially the pollution caused by its heavy reliance on coal. He predicts that China will adopt more sustainable technology in a timely fashion and benefit from the sale...

Jan 26, 2021

Parag Kadam's research is comparing the effectiveness of various methods of upholding good standards of forest management. He has worked for an organization that certifies particular companies for maintaining good procedures. Still, as he tells Metta, far more progress is required to save the planet's forests.