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projectsavetheworld's podcast

Feb 24, 2022

Ingeborg Breines was a director specializing in gender issues at UNESCO at the end of the Cold War – a time of optimism, when there was reason to hope that democracy would spread around the world and that the OSCE would be the paramount international organization for Europe and the other northern countries of the...

May 27, 2020

The subtitle of Marc Pilisuk's book was "Who Benefits from Global Violence and War?" and Peter Phillips's book answsered it: “Giants: The Global Power Elite." These are about 200 people who control over 40 trillion dollars— a large fraction of the world's cash. So what are the alternatives and is it possible to...

Mar 9, 2020

Ed Struzik is a writer who travels through the Arctic every summer, observing the changing landscape and the challenges that the Inuit people face in adapting to the fastest-warming area of the world. The trees and shrubs are moving into the tundra. Lightning is more frequent, causing wildfires that exacerbate global...

Feb 23, 2020

Charles David Tauber and Sandra Maric practice psychotherapy without calling it that. In Croatia, the effects of war trauma are evident but usually denied. Therapy is stigmatized, so they call their work "psychological education," and they train other local people ("barefoot therapists") to do it too, using Carl...

Nov 29, 2019

Tony McQuail is a prominent organic farmer in Ontario. He and Metta discuss how to feed the future human population of 11 billion by agricultural methods that include "cocktail crops," farming without plowing, and the herding of livestock with electric fences. And yes, such practices also protect wildlife, reduce...