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projectsavetheworld's podcast

127 Israel/Palestine

Aug 30, 2020

Alon Ben-Meir and Robert Katz give Metta a short history of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. They largely agree about potential solutions but are pessimistic about...

Aug 22, 2020

Derek Paul and Sam Lanfranco, two retired professors, discuss with Metta several possible innovations for improving western economies and taming corporations. These include public banks, universal basic income, and fair...

Aug 15, 2020

Three experts on China—Charles Burton, André Laliberté, and Niva Yau — discuss China's aggressive and anti-democratic moves in Hong Kong, Central Asia, northern India, and Taiwan, and consider the policy options of Canada and other countries for responding.

Aug 8, 2020

Louis Kriesberg and Bruce Dayton are professors specializing in exploring constructive ways of handling conflicts--which may, they explain to Metta, involve combinations of persuasion, reward, and/or coercion.