Nov 30, 2020
This is Project Save the World's November get-together online, the Global Town Hall. We talk about reviving arbitration and negotiation as means of resolving disputes -- possibly even war. (It the Pig War between Canada and the US.) We get an update from Germany about the US nuclear weapons based there, and find...
Nov 21, 2020
Tom Newmark runs a farm in Costa Rica with a lodge for visitors who want to learn about regenerative farming. He co-founded The Carbon Underground, an organization devoted to promoting improved methods of farming that sequesters carbon in soil -- a technology that is probably the most promising of the many solutions to...
Nov 15, 2020
Bernard Dreano is a French economist who often writes about war and peace in the Caucasus. On the day after a Russian-imposed ceasefire in the 2020 war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, he and Metta discuss the history of the conflict between these countries over Nagorno Karabakh, and consider the prospects for a...