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projectsavetheworld's podcast

Jul 28, 2022

Dmitri Makarov is the youngest member of the Moscow Helsinki Group's three-person chairmanship, replacing an extraordinary woman, the late Lyudmilla Alexeeva. That group was founded in 1976 by Yuri Orlov and other Russian dissidents, pretending to offer "assistance" to the Soviet government in fulfilling the...

Jul 27, 2022

Peter Phillips studies the handful of people who control the global investment money. Harry Glasbeek, a retired law professor, also worries about the control that the corporations have over national governments. James Simeon is focusing primarily on the tragic displacement of people by war, and the use of...

Jul 22, 2022

Drs. David Heymann and Ronald St. John are epidemiologists who have worked on various forms of the SARS virus, including Covid 19. Here we discuss GPHIN, the system Dr. St. John developed for monitoring the outbreaks of diseases around the world faster than the WHO could do at the time. Similar techniques are being used...

Jul 21, 2022

Whitney Lackenbauer is a professor at Trent University who studies the Canadian North. He is especially enthusiastic about the Rangers who work in their home regions of Canada's Arctic, mainly to provide human security for their local neighbors, but they also support the maintenance of cultural practices, such as the...

Jul 19, 2022

Both Both Bruce Flattery and Arthur Edelstein are interested in nonviolence, including especially Gandhi's and Gene Sharp's thinking. Is there any way of applying nonviolence to stop the war in Ukraine? We consider the possibility of Ukrainians' using civilian based defence against an invasion by Russia, along the lines...